Friday, September 28, 2007

Skulls on Mars?

The above pictures showing the surface of Mars are probably the strangest I've seen. There are shapes that definately resemble skulls of some kind. Im sorry but how many times do you see rocks on Earth that look exactly like skulls? Not very often. I think its obvious, not just from these photo's that there is something we a not being told about Mars and the Mars program being conducted by NASA.

I wonder why NASA also feel the need to re-colour their photos of Mars to look like a red, dusty, uninhabitable planet. If you see the original photos you will know what I mean. The atmosphere looks very similar to Earth before NASA's 'artists' get their hands on them.


  1. This is interesting but we should not jump to any conclusions because while rare natural formations resembling a human skull are not unknown.

    One of the most famous would be a place known as Gordon's Calvary which is believed by many to be the place where Jesus was crucified.

  2. So if the images from mars were re-coloured - where can I get my hands on unadulterated images?

  3. This is a great site that you have here. I have a site on the paranormal myself. We should exchange links to help spread some traffic around to each other. Let me know if this is possible. All you have to do is submit a comment on my site letting me know you placed my link up and I'll return the favor immediately.

    Keep up the good work.

