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When researching I came across this guy on a forum claiming that he has worked at a secret installation in the past. It makes for interesting reading.
"Im not going to go into great details here as this is a public site. I was forced to sign a security oath that forbids me from discussing the base in details and its functions. And when I say forced, I literally was told "sign this or you dont leave this facility ever"
I will say that generally there are facilities around this nation that have stated publicly what the base does exactly. This from my experience is a complete lie. I have personally witnessed base commanders bring reporters onto base and set up false shows as to say "see this is what we do here"
What was very shocking to me is that some of the hidden secret activities were quite dangerous to the local public. And these activities endangered far more than just a few local farmers. Sometimes events happened that did some damage to the local community and the general public wasnt told.
If you live near any type of military or DoD installation, I urge you to do some research or just use your eyes. If you see reports of higher than normal cancer rates, there's a clue. If you notice that the tree line suddenly stops when approaching a facility, again another clue. These dead zones are clear to anyone that looks but for some reason most dont seem to have their eyes open.
My sister once asked me how if UFO's or 9-11 were real could the govt possibly keep it a secret. Well I lived it, FEAR was the reason. Hell, Im fearful now that the NSA is flagging this posting. Although, Im sure Im aleady on a watch list anyway as Ive voiced my opinions many times over the years. (my wife is deathly afraid Ive made the infamous FEMA list and would be imprisoned immediately upon martial law being declared).
Fear keeps people from talking. And in a society that loves freedom its a real shame that fear will keep dirty secrets from coming outI would also like to state that the fear is constantly reinforced by the govt.
Ill give a few examples...
I would say that on at least 3 occasions I was approached by women in various social outings. They were basically trying to get "close" to me if you catch my drift. Im not talking like James Bond stuff, ie get into my hotel room and snapshot some documents or anything lol. But just really silly obvious attempts to see if I could be compromised.
Sometimes I got the impression that these obvious attempts were done just as a show of force to let me know theyre always watching.
On other occasions there were attempts to probe me for weaknesses that could possibly be exploited. The govt would want to know if you have a gambling problem or have drug or alcohol dependency, or money problems, etc. I had been given chances to join in card games, betting pools, sexual encounters with prositiution rings, and some really oddball activities.
Once I was approached by some (what looked like) high school or young college kids about me getting involved in some counterfeit ID ring operation.
It is possible that some of these attempts to compromise me were in fact real operatives. Others were certainly just the govt testing me. In fact I recall once while waiting for a bump with my clearance status one of the above attempts happening.
It really made me afraid to say anything. I was always afraid any slip of the tongue would net me a visit to Ft. Leavenworth. When these guys would listen in on my phone calls they wouldnt even try and hide it. A few times I distinctly heard a click and another time I could somehow hear an entirely other phone conversation going on between other people.
I dont think full disclosure will ever happen in my lifetime honestly. Not unless the cloak of fear is ever lifted. Its real, its threatening, and it keeps people quiet."
An artist's rendering shows advanced concepts NASA envisions for an aircraft ofNow this is a strange concept to begin working on. An aerospace vehicle that morphs depending on various flight characteristics. Obviously NASA tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so this is as they say just an 'advanced concept'.......Yeah Right, we all know that when a project is anounced it has more than likely been in operation for numerous years prior to the announcement.
the future. Called the 21st Century Aerospace Vehicle, and sometimes nicknamed
the Morphing Airplane, the concept includes a variety of smart technologies that
could enable inflight configuration changes for optimum flight characteristics.
"We have made great progress and are on track for the first glided hypersonic test vehicle flight in 2007," said Russ Partch, Falcon HTV-1 project manager in the AFRL release. "It will enable a revolutionary capability to quickly respond to events anywhere around the world."